Based in Nashville, Tennessee, Lee has recorded four CDs; From The Heart (2004), True (2005), Chance To Start Over (2007), and Butterfly (2012). She holds the honor of being a two-time Kerrville Folk Festival New Folk Finalist.
As the lyrics to the song suggest:
"Every time you love someone
Or have a broken heart
Write down what you love
About him most
Then put it in the shoebox
Underneath your bed
Give it to God to hold
And one day you will understand
When you find your Shoebox Man"
The Shoebox Man Kit® was created by award-winning singer/songwriter Sonia Lee and her husband, Chris.
After penning the song, "Shoebox Man", Lee set her sights on developing what she describes as a 'God box for girls.' The Shoebox Man Kit® contains the insightful book, "A Girl's Guide to Choosing the Right Man", a CD of Lee's popular song, "Shoebox Man", and a pen and pad of paper to keep handy for setting in motion the dream of finding one's very own Shoebox Man.